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Raw materials
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666 ads
666 ads: Raw materials, feedstocks
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Paint material
Approx. 30 containers with various colours for interior and exterior as well as matching deep primer

Troostwijk Auktionen GmbH & Co. KG
6 years at Machineryline

Paint material
The goods are stacked on Euro pallets. These are returned goods from an online retailer. Goods can be...

Troostwijk Auktionen GmbH & Co. KG
6 years at Machineryline

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Paint material
The goods are stacked on Euro pallets. These are returned goods from an online retailer. Goods can be...
3 l

Troostwijk Auktionen GmbH & Co. KG
6 years at Machineryline

Paint material
The goods are stacked on Euro pallets. These are returned goods from an online retailer. Goods can be...

Troostwijk Auktionen GmbH & Co. KG
6 years at Machineryline

Paint material
Mixed palette RyFo Colors
Mixed manufactory white
5 x 10L
4 x 6L
9 x 3L
Manufactory white
1 x 1L

Troostwijk Auktionen GmbH & Co. KG
6 years at Machineryline

Paint material
The goods are stacked on Euro pallets. These are returned goods from an online retailer. Goods can be...

Troostwijk Auktionen GmbH & Co. KG
6 years at Machineryline

Paint material
12x 25kg coloured stone plaster paint 100, 1x 25kg quartz ground and 3x 25kg rubbing plaster.
The goods...

Troostwijk Auktionen GmbH & Co. KG
6 years at Machineryline

Paint material
RyFo Colors Stained Stone Plaster 201 - 15
The goods are stacked on Euro pallets. These are returned...

Troostwijk Auktionen GmbH & Co. KG
6 years at Machineryline

Paint material
RyFo Colors Silicone Resin Facade Paint
3 x 3L
4 x 6L
22 x 10L
7 x 1L
The goods are stacked on Euro...

Troostwijk Auktionen GmbH & Co. KG
6 years at Machineryline

Paint material
12 l

Troostwijk Auktionen GmbH & Co. KG
6 years at Machineryline

Paint material
1x 12.5l silk latex TR, 5x 10l manufactory white, 7x 3l silicate interior paint, 6x 10l and 5x3l manufactory...

Troostwijk Auktionen GmbH & Co. KG
6 years at Machineryline

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Wall material
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Finishing material
Technical specifications:
Weight per façade strip: 11.20 kg
Fire class: A2-s1,d0
Package dimensions:...

Troostwijk Veilingen B.V.
6 years at Machineryline

Wooden lath
Redvision rule of 4.00 x 7 cm x 4.5 cm thick
These Redvision rules are made of durable Spruce wood...

Troostwijk Veilingen B.V.
6 years at Machineryline



Finishing material
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Other building material
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Search results:
666 ads